I had a nice, quiet, neurotic Saturday without Bee. In other words, I did talk to myself a little bit. And made fun of myself in my head for doing it. I listened to Simon and Garfunkel, The Beatles, Regina Spektor, Bob Dylan, Jolie Holland, and Cat Power all day, in between watching 8 episodes of Weeds. I also photographed my roller derby gear to sell on Ebay. I'm trying to get out of the habit of holding on to things I no longer use. So, this is all pretty random. That was how the day went...
Do I really want to get out of bed if I don't have to? That's the real question. |
Contemplation of the possibilities. After setting up the tripod, of course, because documenting my thought process is extremely (not) interesting and totally just for the hell of it. |
Handmade paper beads highly treasured and boho and fun to wear on my head when alone. |
Overfilled Chemex. I need plenty of coffee for my day all alone, for possible good intentions of high-productivity. |
My self-insulated window PLUS neighbors too close for comfort. Someday I will NOT live in neighborhoods like this-one house within 2 steps of the next... |
This is one of my most treasured objects, and the inspiration for my back piece tattoo. I slept with this under my pillow when I was a little kid. My mom told me it would help ward off nightmares, which I had too many of. |
The goblet is musical, it was a gift to my maternal grandparents on their 50th anniversary. My grandmother gave it to me for Christmas. My grandfather has been in Heaven for 6 years now. The tiny photo is of my grandmother in 1958-ish. My mom is in the background to her right, age 3. The white box contains a tiny rosary given to Bee by her godmother as a gift at her baptism. The quartz was given to me as a gift from my boyfriend's son a few years ago. The Miss Dior Cherie was a birthday gift from my boyfriend. |
I had to put my knock-off Old Navy uggs to go get the mail. |
Creamer bubbles are pretty. The photobooth photos from Spring Break 2011-I told you, me and Bee are BFF's. This makes it official. :) |
WEEDS. I have a girl-crush on Mary-Louise Parker. Who doesn't? |
Risking my life eating the skin from non-organic cucumber...ha. I only want to eat cucumbers with skin. & organic varieties are not widely available around here. Perhaps I will try growing my own... |
I love salad, but why does it have to take so long to make? Even if I prep the greens...I make a big mess. I love grated ginger. |
Hot coffee, iced coffee, all kinds of coffee all day. My beat-up Moleskine with Polaroid transfer self-portrait. |
I still need to INSPECT this shipment carefully. I *almost* opened this package...but got distracted again. I just know what's in it, and I'm not ready to use the paper inside yet. It's Japanese fine art paper.
(The good stuff) |
Riedell classic 265 Wicked Roller Derby quad skates. Aren't they gorgeous? |
Gee, maybe I shouldn't sell all my derby gear...hmm. Well...actually I better. My knees are still mad at me. But, those girls are having plenty of fun out there. Please support roller derby if there is a league in your vicinity. It's girl power at it's best.
ReplyDeleteYou're a super star roller derby Mom!!!!
That is awesome, Mia!! :D
I was, my dear girl! xo Thanks, Charlyn!
ReplyDeleteLove these photos - so warm and intimate. And you look beautiful.
Awe, thanks so much, Sarah! :)