My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Sun, Wind, & Complex Transitions

I knew for a fact that 2012 would be a year of major change for me and my family. I am trying to keep in mind that fear can be a positive catalyst, and I know I need to take the time to work through new choices and opportunities. Change really does-can-did happen overnight.

Impossible Project PX680 film with SX-70, no ND filter.

My dad is transferring to San Diego, California. He has been the one physically helping me with Bee for the last 4 years. My mom helps me, too, in every way, but she hasn't been living here in El Paso-she's been 3 hours away in New Mexico. I'm not proud to say I have been relying on my parents for help, but being a single mom without Bee's father, well, it's been a real blessing. I'm incredibly grateful. Thanks to my parents I was able to complete my BFA, which is something I am extremely proud of.

So, I have a decision to make. I have been in a (sometimes complicated) relationship with a man I love for the last 10 years, but he may not be able to provide me with the same kind of support with Bee that I would need. He has a revolving schedule, my current work schedule is mostly afternoons and see my dilemma. 

I will definitely have to look for a day job wherever I am. It won't be easy here in El Paso-the job market here is slim to nil. I'm pretty sure I would have more success finding a day job in San Diego. So, I am asking myself if I am going to have to relocate and leave my relationship behind. We may not have a perfect thing going on, but Steven has been my partner and my best friend for the last 10 years.

My dad leaves in 3 weeks, and I have to say, although I will miss him, and even with all the extenuating circumstances, it still really feels like it's going to be a positive change. It feels like a giant open door for my entire family. My brother is already in San Diego, and my mom has been wanting to experience life somewhere beyond this desert southwest. I wonder where me and Bee are going to end up? I have the course of this summer to decide.

Impossible Project PX680 film with SX-70, no ND filter.


  1. Wow Mia, those are big changes indeed!
    I am certain that everything will work out great for you and your family!
    Sending you positive energy,
    C :** xoxo

    1. Dear Charlyn! Having your positive vibes and warm thoughts means so much to me. Thank you so much. xo

  2. Mia, I know how hard it is to move to a new city (new country for me) and everything that entails. I can't imagine what making that decision must be like for you when it involves leaving your partner behind. One thing I have learned about life, you've just got to do what's best for you -and obviously your Bee- and be happy with the decisions you make.
    I hope you figure it out and can stand by whatever you decision you make. Love and hugs to you xoxo

    1. Hi, Amanda, I am holding your words very close, you're right, my friend, you are absolutely right. Thank you so much. xo
