My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Days off with Bee.

I have been so busy with my new job, I haven't had much of a chance to shoot. I have my SX-70 and my 340 ready to go, loaded with film for my next day off. I have to make time for what makes me happy or I will sink.

Polaroid 100 Sepia Giambarba Expired

I ended up putting these SX-70 shots in my back pocket and throwing the jeans in the wash, and although the chemicals leaked and make a flaky mess, I was able to stop the dryer in time to save them.

PX70 Colorshade

PX70 Colorshade
Have a sweet weekend, my friends! 


  1. Oh Mia, I totally understand about making time to do the things you love!
    I hope your work gets less hectic real soon!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend, and I'm glad you saved the beautiful polas! ;)


    1. You are the sweetest, Charlyn! I can't tell you how much it means to me to have your friendship, thank you! :*
