My Analog Photography Portfolio:


The last official Drawing class project.

This piece contains 250 of my (super-neurotic, I admit) motherly life lessons. I wanted to create something that could in essence be used to teach my daughter in my absence. I need to play with the presentation of the order of the drawings at the bottom, but this is pretty much how it will be until I create more of them.

The backing is 100% pale pink cotton, and the drawings were done on tracing paper with colored pencil.  I wanted to get it home and take some detailed shots of it, some close-ups, but don't see that happening for awhile, so here it is the way I presented it at school last Tuesday.

I haven't measured it, but I estimate it to be 40 x 55", including the drawings at the bottom.

The following photos are from my sketchbook.  They contain the plans for the above piece.  The kind-of 3-petaled upside-down raindrop mark is the one I ended up using throughout the piece.  This is the part that is very difficult to see in the above photo-I am sorry about that...

Later in the week I will be getting my Printmaking portfolio back, and will share my drypoint, etching, and aquatint works with you.  They are all learning pieces, but I kind-of like what ended up happening with them anyway.

I'm finally finished with my undergraduate studies!  Thank you to all of you who have supported me all these years.  Next Saturday morning, December 10th, I will be donning that weird flat pancake graduation hat, and the gown, too, the whole 9 yards.  I honestly feel like if I died tomorrow, at least I can say I achieved this ultimate dream.  Cheers!  I've done plenty of jumping up and down with Bella Bee since turning in my final Print portfolio yesterday.  We are happy.


  1. Aw Mia! Congratulations my lovely. I hope next Saturday goes beautifully for you. You deserve it after all of this hard work. x

  2. Thank you so much Hannah!!! So glad to have met you in this last year! :D

  3. a lovely lovely piece! for me, it evokes a map.

  4. Hi, Brooke, thanks! That makes me happy that it gives the feeling of a map, awesome!
