My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Sunday + Sunshine

It would have been a shame not to take a break with Bee to go to the park this afternoon.  She is getting much better with my Polaroid.  I think she is ready for her own.  She has confidence with the Spectra.

Me, by Bee.

Me, by Bee

Me, getting lots of stickers on myself, made me itchy through my clothes...with Bee in the background there.


A perspective that didn't quite work out, but it is endearing to me at least.

Polaroid Spectra, Impossible Project PZ680 Color Shade film.

Other things we accomplished together this weekend:

1.  Finished season 8 of Little House on the Prairie... (Laura and Almanzo are expecting a baby!)

2.  Watched a Bjork video collection together for the first time, Volumen Plus (1998) which was amazing.  A tad on the ahem...educational side for Bee with the artist's All is Full of Love's homoerotic robot self-love, but ultimately, compared to all the covers of men's magazines in Bee's face at the bookstore and gave us something to talk about and expand on, a point of comparison on feminine issues.

I have a very smart, sensitive girl.  She's very aware of the issues, I am her mom after all.  Our favorite of the collection is Cocoon, if you have not seen it yet, (admittedly, I had not) you can watch it on YouTube.


  1. oh my goodness, Mia, these are so beautiful.
    The 2nd one especially. That girl has talent.

    Ah, Bjork. I love her. Yes, Im sure she sees much worse everywhere every day. Have you seen Dancer in the Dark? Heart breaking...and if you haven't, probably not one to watch with Bee lol

  2. Thanks so much, Amanda! She was really satisfied with what appeared for the first time today! I have not seen Dancer in the Dark...I really must. (I wouldn't show Bee anything violent or scary, or demoralizing, that's key:)

  3. Those first two images by Bee are amazing! She has a great eye (hmm, I guess she had a pretty good model to work with too ;) ). I am completely unfamiliar with Bjrok's work. I watched that Cocoon vid. Very bizarre. I sort of liked it. I think I'll have to hear the words of the song better to get a better sense of the meaning.

    It was always my greatest worry, how to encourage a critical mind in my children as they watched or read anything. I think I was (they were) successful. :)

  4. Larry, I'll tell her you said that! :) Yes, you must read the lyrics to know what it's about...
    I'm very sure you did a wonderful job with your children!

  5. She really IS rocking that film! You must be so proud! It's time to give her her own momma!

  6. She is rocking polaroid! I love the one with Bee in the background it's so beautiful.

  7. Hello Mia!! I just discovered that you have a blog, I don't know where have I been :D

    I agree with everyone, these are amazing. Bee and Polaroid make a perfect match!

  8. Azuree, yup! She is so proud, I am so proud, it's a beautiful thing to share this hobby with her now.

    Hey, thanks, said...

    Hi, Julia!! Happy to see you dear, thanks! Bee is finally ready for her own Polaroid! :D

  9. just discovered your blog and beautiful images. i'll be back for more visits!
