My Analog Photography Portfolio:


My first solo went well.

10/26/11, night before the opening, around 8:00pm

I had some trouble with the lighting. 

My 12x12" mixed media on wood panels.

You can see the details easier with natural light.

Monochrome instants, Polaroid film + Impossible film.

Impossible Project Integral film.

Polaroid 600 film

Polaroid 669 film + emulsion transfers/lifts

Drawings on paper.

Watercolor and thread on paper.

Mixed media on paper.

Watercolor, colored pencil on paper.

Colored pencil on glassine.

Bella at the reception.

Me and my friend Susan at the reception.

I'm so glad that I can move forward now.  It was hard work getting everything out, sorted, and up on the walls.  It's great to see everything all together.  Finally, graduation is right around the corner.  In 6 weeks I will be walking in my black cap and gown, with a tassel that says 2011.  Yay!


Getting ready for my BFA show.

Hello, just a quick post to keep in touch.  I'm still working very hard to get things ready.  It's so much to think about, and even more to do.  Putting on an exhibition by yourself is pretty challenging.  It's a good experience, though.  A must for a fine arts undergrad like me.  I wish I could see all your sweet faces at my opening reception!  I'll be thinking of you. 

Dress detail

Organizing Polaroids

Ordering refreshments...
Outlining my artist statement, breaking it down. 


The permeable nature of motherhood.

I love being a mama most of the time.  When I feel I'm doing a good job at it, that is.  Other times I feel completely lost-like I've made all the wrong moves, said all the wrong things.  I really don't think there is anything in the world quite as complicated as a mother-daughter relationship.  

When it comes down to it-I let her go, and random things happen throughout her day.  She gets hurt feelings on the whim of a mean kid, what can I do about that?  Nothing, really.  I can only hope I've raised a girl with a strong backbone, and attempt to comfort with warm hugs, as I explain the masochistic nature of humanity.  

She makes decisions not only influenced by me, but by everything in her vicinity-television, school, her grandparents, books, the Internet.  Am I not supposed to be the most powerful force?  I feel overpowered so much of the time, and no matter the limits I set, like most things in life, metamorphosis makes sure I don't fall asleep at the wheel.  I don't really mind, but I sure could use a real nap, the kind where you wake up with drool on your cheek, under a blanket you didn't cover yourself with.

SX-70, PX70 Colorshade Impossible film

SX-70, PX70 Colorshade Impossible film


Had a nice lunch today, shot some Spectra.

I've been so busy, I was thinking about taking a break here for the month of October, but if you sweet people can bear with just a few posts here and there, we should be just fine.  Steven and I went down to a really local, really hidden restaurant for lunch this afternoon, and being that I had my Spectra with me, well, the inevitable occurred, and I felt compelled.

I couldn't get myself to take a shot inside the place, I didn't really feel like there was a good moment, or a good shot.  Maybe next time, when I feel it out a little more, and take a better look around.  We did take a few shots outside near the parking lot, though, so I can feel satisfied that we at least have these memories.

PZ 600 Silver Shade UV+ Black Frame 
My shot of Steven, today. 
Steven's shot of me, today.
When I got home, I figured I would try the film in my room, where I have the worst light possible.  The film actually responds exceptionally well to low-light on a tripod, when using the self-timer.  I really shouldn't have adjusted the exposure here.  Next time I'll know better. 

I am getting this stripe on all my Spectra shots, and I'm not liking it at all.  I need to take a look at the rollers before I shoot another pack with it-that's what I'm thinking.

I am continuing work on my projects for school, and am doing alright, if only I could stay on track as much as I should, and not let my mind get the best of me.