My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Getting ready for my BFA show.

Hello, just a quick post to keep in touch.  I'm still working very hard to get things ready.  It's so much to think about, and even more to do.  Putting on an exhibition by yourself is pretty challenging.  It's a good experience, though.  A must for a fine arts undergrad like me.  I wish I could see all your sweet faces at my opening reception!  I'll be thinking of you. 

Dress detail

Organizing Polaroids

Ordering refreshments...
Outlining my artist statement, breaking it down. 


  1. So excited for you! I can't imagine how much work this takes and can't wait to see your pictures of everything! XO

  2. Thanks so much my friend!!! :) Can't wait to share pics with you.

  3. exciting! this part is kind of busy and crazy, I know. I look forward to seeing photos of the installation :)

  4. Awe you sweet girl! It is so crazy. Thanks so much! :D
