My Analog Photography Portfolio:



The heat of the summer can really do a number on your mind, if you let it.

“I feel weird.” “Well, isn’t that the point?” Your coffee sure smells good, I’m jealous.” Wait a minute, it’s just coffee, don’t go getting jealous. “There comes a time when you just have to say, “fuck it.” Isn’t that right? The clouds aren’t quite low enough yet for a picture. "Can you believe the rain?" What a tease. “Do you promise we’ll go somewhere in December?”

“Like Europe, yeah.”

Self-portrait, Polaroid SX-70, Colorshade Push film.


  1. This is a lovely self-portrait, mia. I love how kiki smith is one of your 66 artistic influences too ~ I am very drawn to her work and have seen a few pieces in person.

  2. Thanks, Brooke! Someday I hope to see anything of hers in person, it would be a goal accomplished. I must make it happen!
