My Analog Photography Portfolio:


My Independence Day

It's one of my most favorite holidays.  I fully enjoy showing appreciation for my country, although I always have my moments of doubt about our political system.  Of course I realize that there is no such thing as perfection on any level.  Today I say, it's okay, at least we are trying.  I am grateful to all of you, American soldiers.  Thank you for fighting for me, and for keeping the faith of freedom alive.

Yay, sparklers!  That's all we needed, sparklers-no big fancy fireworks show, no parade, just...sparklers.

Me and Bee stayed indoors most of the day, and watched our favorite show on DVD, reruns of Little House on the Prairie.

The Ingalls Family

Mary and Laura Ingalls

I got the chance to do a few sketches, and practice my newest hobby, calligraphy.  I bought an inexpensive starter set by Speedball.  This is so perfect for a girl like me who is always doodling, and writing nonsense on every piece of paper around.  I think I'm really going to be getting into it.  Maybe I can invent my own unique style of lettering.  I love handwriting.  It's one of the lost arts, and most under-appreciated, in my humble opinion.  I want to learn to pen medieval alphabets.


I have been feeling the need to draw people again lately.  Sadly, I don't have a life drawing class right now, so no live model to draw from.  I am going to have to hire someone to pose for me in the future.  $15 an hour, for 2 hours, that's not bad, right?  Yes, I am definitely going to have to do that.  I need to see flesh and bone in real life.  I need to see the way light and shadows fall across the body, how they settle, and how they describe form.

Sketchbook, Prismacolor pencil (source model from fashion mag)

Kombucha, I love the stuff.

Sketchbook, Golden fluid acrylics

Since my self-timer #192 just broke, I got Bee to press the shutter for this self overexposed, but who cares.  It's still me, today.
Polaroid 340, Fujifilm, Fp-100b

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