My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Summer so far...

Yesterday, I finally managed to get my Polaroiding in, poolside. Impossible PX70 Color Shade Cool film is the BEST. I hope you are having a happy, sunshiney summer so far! Swimming is my favorite thing to do in the world-besides Polaroiding, that is.

Summer is really flying by for us. Bee has been spending a lot of time with my parents. They found her a guitar teacher that makes house calls, which makes us all very happy. She is learning it so quickly, it's wild! I'm impressed with her new skills.
My creative urge has morphed into painting walls in the middle of the night. I have self-imposed insomnia. I need so many things for the new place-but the main things I need are curtains, rugs, and most of all a new sofa and a new coffee table. I want a new dining room set, but I will hold off and just paint the one I have for now. If I re-sign the lease in a year, I will tell the landlord I will only do so if they replace the hideous carpet and blinds.
Other than that, we have a very cozy little place that's shaping up slowly, but surely.