My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Black & White Film is Real Good Stuff

I haven't had the chance to plan a shoot lately, although I still take my cameras with me wherever I go. I've been dreaming of developing and printing my own black and white film. As soon as I manage to find a real job, I'm going to start building a darkroom. It would be a real pity if I don't do this before I die.

Here's a little series I did on the fly (in a stairwell right before class) for the one and only photography course I took in school. I ditched my painting class to stay in the darkroom. Those were the days. Some of these are scanned prints, as you can tell by the indicative negative carrier framing the image. The others are just scans of the film.

I'm pretty sure this was Kodak TMax 400 film. I don't remember the details about the chemicals. I really love the look of it. I'm glad I have the memory of taking these, and I'm glad I got the chance to carry my old baby doll with me to school. I put her in my backpack, but I felt bad about it, because she seemed squished. She looks like she's having fun climbing the stairs, though, doesn't she?

Creepy, but in a good way. I still have that uncanny feeling that I had when I was a kid about beloved dolls having a soul. I take care of Bella's when she's gone. If that makes me a creepy weirdo so be it.

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