My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Snow Cone Boy!

I was going through some old files, cleaning out my external hard drive and all that fun stuff, when I came across these! Sneaky Snow Cone Boy! I like him. It seemed like a fun thing to share for a Friday night. 

Polaroid SX-70, 600 type Polaroid film + Sharpie markers.

I'm about to watch Bridesmaids. I hope for some serious laughs. I need to laugh real hard, real bad. It's been a rough first week of 2012. You know...ahem-boyfriend troubles. It should get better from here, though. I am an optimist now.


  1. Awww! I am sure Bridesmaids will provide some good laughter, dear M!

    Hope that it's smooth sailing from here on!


  2. I love bridesmaids, I saw it on the plane over to Washington and I laughed so hard. I hope your troubles get better, if not I'm just a hop, blog, tweet away. x

  3. :(
    I hope things get better for you soon, Mia xoxo

  4. I don't know what I would do without you ladies. Honestly. xoxo
