My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Winter Break...yeah!

We are officially on vacation!  Last night Bee performed for the first time in her school orchestra. It was just as awesome as I thought it would be. The kids were excited, and it was great to see them reading their music, sitting up straight, and having fun. A pre-concert portrait was in order.

Spectra, Impossible PZ 680 Color Shade

Both of the self-portraits I attempted came out with me making my worst try-to-smile-through-bitchface ever. Oh, well.

Spectra, Impossible PZ 680 Color Shade

The only PX100 UV+ shot of the pack that came out properly exposed.

The other almost beautiful shots of Bee in this new film...well, they break my heart.  I don't like to think much when I'm shooting with Polaroid cameras, as it really takes the fun out of it for me.  So, I just end up shooting entire packs like a crazy person, with no mind or care to wait and see what is happening with each shot before proceeding with a thoughtful plan.  I even broke the promise I made to myself to take notes on camera settings.

I did turn the dial over towards darken, and had a homemade -1 stop ND filter taped onto the lens.  It was rather chilly outside, and I was kind-of struggling because I didn't want to spend too much time posing Bee, the shots needed to be shaded, warmed, just wasn't a good scenario.  Again, oh, well.

I'm pretty sure I will do much better with the second pack.  I'm glad this test film was available to folks enrolled in the Pioneer program for an affordable price, as we can feel much freer about shooting it.  There are now plenty of tips thanks to the earliest testers that should help me get more effective effects with this film.  I'm looking forward to shooting the next pack this weekend.  (Did I really just say "more effective effects"?)


  1. this is the first i've heard of the pioneer program. i'm sad i missed it.

  2. I was surprised I was enrolled...I got my card one day and jumped for joy! ;)

  3. These are great! I think I love the one of you sitting facing us, head tilted a little and that cheeky look on your face :). And the other favourite is of you standing beside Bee playing the violin. That you are cut off like that adds such a wonderful sense of spontaneity.

    And I always enjoy effective effects best ;)
