My Analog Photography Portfolio:


The last little bits of summer + this Sunday.

Summer was just a really long blink for us.  I can sum it up in two three four words:  broken, arm, snow, cones.  I like to save 4-5 rolls of film up to send them out for processing, but since I have not been shooting as much lately, I couldn't contain my urge to have this roll of Kodak Portra developed at the Walgreen's down the street.  It's nice to remember how I was able to find the time to relax a few months ago.  I shot these with my Pentax ME Super.

I just got home from a very early morning photo-excursion/adventure, and it truly was an adventure this time, as I decided to stop at a flea market in the ghetto.  I say ghetto all the time-it's a slang word that gets a lot of use around here.  Ghetto=very poor area of town yet full of character(s) and color.  I usually don't stop at flea markets here in El Paso, because there's hardly anything good being sold (aka junk), but the piles of shoes and toys/stuffed animals are pretty interesting to look at.  Also, local farmers sell their produce.  I almost bought some zucchini squash, I was close...but then I saw this scary clown doll, took a Polaroid of it, and ran away.  Just kidding, I didn't run away, but I did leave.  

Polaroid Spectra, Polaroid Image Softtone expired film.

Polaroid Spectra, Polaroid Image Softtone expired film.

Polaroid Spectra, Polaroid Image Softtone expired film.

This is how much stuff I have going on.  It's time to clean and organize.  Creativity has come to a complete stop, as it does when everything starts piling up.


  1. my studio does the same thing ~ every week or so I need a day to just clean up or I can't work.

    the film shots are lovely ~ love the greens. I cannot wait to get my 2 rolls back!

  2. The greens are so nice, yes!! I love how happy and bright they are. I have some 120 Portra I need to shoot asap! :)

  3. Im in love with the colours in the first lot of images - wow!

  4. Hi, Hope...The new Portra yields the most beautiful color ever!! I love it, too! :)
