My Analog Photography Portfolio:


It's going to be an Indian Summer...

If I didn't photograph myself, it is a fact that there would be very few photographs of me.  I don't like asking anyone to take my picture, including those closest to me.  It's much easier to take it upon myself and always be willing to take a little time every now and then to set up the tripod and go for it.  I need to learn how to take better self-portraits with a Polaroid.  I have these ensembles that deserve to be documented-it's a good a reason as any to get dolled up. 

Last night I fell asleep on the couch again, so I'm looking really tired.  I know it's very easy to see that in these shots, but that's okay, because this is how I will probably be looking for the next few months.  A tired face does not disqualify anyone from being photographed at any given time.

I should start using my 35mm Pentax ME Super, too.  I would like for Bee to have something to remember me by.  I have this tendency to think that I could go at any time.  You just never know when you're existence on earth in solid form will come to and end.

Shot with my SX-70 Alpha 1, Model 2 + PX70 Colorshade Impossible film.


  1. Lovely! I really enjoy your self portraits, they are always so dreamy.



  2. Thank you so much, Sarah and Kristen.

  3. these are gorgeous! I love the hose in the first shot. :)

  4. Thank you, Brooke, I'm so glad you noticed the hose, I like that, too..
