My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Sunday Inspiration

Film stills from Breathless, Jean-Luc Godard (1960), Starring Jean Seberg & Jean-Paul Belmondo.  One of the best and most charming, enjoyable films in history.
(I apologize about the quality, I used my dslr, handheld.)


Shot a pack of the newest PX70 Colorshade...

I have been looking forward to every new batch of film the Impossible Project has to offer, and this particular Colorshade variety is sorta in-between the last two as far as color and exposure.  After shooting five pictures of the PX70 Colorshade with my SX-70, I still seemed to need an ND filter, although I didn't think I was supposed to need one.

With the last film, the PX680 First Flush, I used a ND4 ((0.6) 2 f/stop filter with the dial left in the center, and got great exposures.  I'm going to shoot another pack of PX70 Colorshade with my ND2 filter to make a real comparison.  Temperatures have been more or less the same across the board.   

My test shots were in bright sun, because that is the true test for me.  With the dial turned all the way to dark, everything was indeed overexposed, so before wasting anymore film I used a cut and taped-on piece of an old ND filter, a ND2 (0.3) 1 f/stop filter.  The results are below.  (I re-created an outdoor bright sun on a house situation by using my old Sesame Street toy-that's how I learned my shapes! :)  Sesame Street of the 1980's was the best and you know it!

No ND filter, dial turned all the way to dark.

No ND filter, dial turned all the way to dark.

+ND2 (0.3) 1 f/stop filter, dial turned all the way to dark.


El Paso Union Passenger Depot

Today I had about an hour to kill while I was waiting for Bee to get out of her summer fun camp, so I drove around downtown, looking for something to shoot.  I decided to stop by the El Paso Union Passenger Depot, as I had not been inside in years.  It was built between 1905 and 1906, and unfortunately has only a tiny bit of nostalgic feeling left in it when you look at the tile floors and old radiators.

I liked pretending I was one of the people either waiting for someone, or going off on a trip.  I loved imagining I was a different person completely, from a different town.

I always seem to find the sweetest light in the sourest of places, though...restrooms.  The custodian completely ignored me, which was unusual.  Not even a sideways glance or a raised eyebrow.  My peripheral was aware of her reflection off to my left.  I couldn't help but to feel disappointed-I felt like a nothing, a ghost, invisible.  I usually wouldn't mind being ignored like that, but I guess I was feeling lonely.

I thought maybe I'm not the first person she caught taking a picture in the bathroom.  Maybe it was not the strangest thing she had witnessed in there.  Maybe she just thought I was some weirdo and she better not acknowledge my existence, lest she be attacked with my SX-70 machine.  Sometimes when I'm getting my camera ready, (especially now that I have to also add the shade), I do feel very conspicuous, like I'm loading a weapon.  That's it, I scared her.   

Polaroid SX-70, PX680ff Impossible  film.


The Art of the Polaroid Diptych

I was going through my boxes of Polaroids this afternoon, and found several single exposures that would be more interesting as diptychs. I have never gone out shooting with the idea of shooting a diptych in mind, but it seems like a worthwhile project and fun times.  A few days ago  received a few packs of the most recent batch of color film from the Impossible Project, PX-70 Colorshade.  I'll be trying to find some diptychs with it, just to change things up a bit.  The best diptychs are those by fellow Polaroid shooter, Alison Garnett, aka Supercapacity.  Be sure to catch plenty of inspiration in her wonderful camera world.  Her website can be found here.

Here's a few shots I like better together...they seem to be good complements.  Yes, they are mates from now on.
Polaroid SX-70, 600 film


I'll try, I'll keep it up.

I have that feeling, you know the one, the I have to get the hell out of here feeling. I need a new town, with new things to see, new things to shoot. I've been thinking about road trips, fantasizing about road trips across country. It turns out, we will not be going to North Carolina this summer after all. We couldn't work out our schedules, we just weren't able to do it. We are, however going to Las Vegas, and we will be staying at The Venetian, so it takes the edge off the sting. Las Vegas is a more reasonable vacation for us this time. It's not too far away, given we only have 4 days to get away.

Shot with my trusty Polaroid SX-70, + PX680FF Impossible film.


Summer in the City

Yesterday I took Bee to see the last installment of the Harry Potter movies, and was thinking about how exhilarated the series makes me feel. Putting it in words is a difficult thing, because the sensation is almost overwhelming, to the point of a blank. It's like being jettisoned to a place where everyone keeps their smiles twice as long.

Little things take me back to that feeling of being a kid, wild and free, things like sharing an ice cream cone with a loved one, splashing in puddles in the rain, but those moments are fleeting. With a feature film, you're in it for a few hours, at least, and with a series like Harry Potter, the feeling can permeate your soul even longer.

When I was a kid, there was a local amusement park here in El Paso called Western Playland.  We looked forward to going there all year long, as it was only open for the summer season.  It was the one place our parents would allow us to run wild and free.

In the last decade, they have relocated to a different, more expansive plot of desert land on the outskirts of town, but it's just not the same. It used to be in the heart of the city, in an area called Ascarate Park, and it was amazing!  It was cozy. The trees were old, but provided shade. The rides were close together, so at night the lights lit the place up like magic. The smells of popcorn and churros oxygenated the bloodstream, warding of bedtime until midnight, at least.

When I go around town, on my little photo-taking adventures, often times I am pulled towards this old area of town.  I started thinking about our 'Roid Week coming up about a month ago, and I was surprised to see a carnival going up in the same place our old Western Playland used to be.  I had my Polaroid  340 camera with me, loaded with Choco80 pack film-a very special, extinct film that I had been saving for a special occasion.

Since Bee had a broken arm at the time, we couldn't go to the carnival, but maybe now, if it's still there, we can make it.


A series of outtakes + 'Roid Week Day 5

I set out that day with the intention of shooting the entire pack (all 8 exposures) of this particular place, but something got me to change my mind. I'm not really sure what it was. I didn't look at anything that came out until we were stopped at a red light, in the car on the way home. I still want to share these with you anyway, so here they are. (Shot with my SX-70 Alpha 1 Model 2, self-timer #132, super-duty tripod, and PX680FF Impossible Project film.)

My Day 5 Submission #1


Solo adventures + 'Roid Week Day 4

There are few things in life I enjoy more than a Polaroid adventure. If you are familiar with the experience, than you know about the magical teleportation that happens the split second before you press the shutter. The world looks different when you're on a mission with any type of Polaroid camera.

If you can't seem to find that special Polaroid-worthy scene (it happens), whether it be person, place, or thing, than your heart and soul will urge you to create one for yourself. Maybe the sparks unroll into a sweetly intimate still life, a coerced portrait session of the kids, or even a selfie or two or three; anything is possible. Beloved small world, evaporating into existence rather than out, held close within graceful white borders. The split second the picture is conceived it is art-art to share, to give, or keep under your pillow.

This has been a most amazing Polaroid week for me, being featured on the Flickr blog on Day 1, and today the Impossible blog, too. You know, I'm just a girl (lady) from this dusty border town, known as Old El Paso, (locally Hellpaso).  I am so honored and grateful to represent this beautiful medium, and the rebirth of integral film in any way I can.  We didn't let it die, you guys! Thanks so much for sharing my adventures with me.

So, here we are, towards the end of the week.  Be sure to check out the pool!  So many shooters save their best for last

Polaroid SX-70, PX680FF Impossible film

Polaroid SX-70, PX680FF Impossible film


My reflection, my mirror + 'Roid Week Day 3

Aries mother, aries child. Can you believe it? I can't even begin to explain the intensity of the dynamic between me and my little girl. We have learned to give each other space when we need it. I've learned to make our home into a quiet place when things get a little too high key. I try to remember that Bee is a direct reflection of me. She is my mirror.

Of course, she has her own unique personality. I was a very different type of kid. Where I was excruciatingly shy, she is confident and outgoing. What strikes me as curious when I look at these two pictures together is a different perception of what I believe to be true. I appear to be the confident one, and Bee appears to be shy.

Polaroid SX-70, PX70 Colorshade Push! Impossible film

Polaroid SX-70, PX70 Colorshade Push! Impossible film


She tied the knot, +'Roid Week Day 2

Arsenicum album, snap, purr, repeat.
Echoes laced by “mama”-she tied the knot.
Opalesce droplets reflect their armor;
rivulets abandon their halite trace in angel hairs.
The dull throb of inertia, violet-red, orange-yellow, languid into blue.
Cloudless, still, grey-green, wading in the shallow.

Polaroid SX-70, PX70 Colorshade Push! Impossible film

Polaroid SX-70, PX680FF Impossible film