My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Tuesday morning.

We enjoyed Regina Spektor during breakfast and beyond.

I don't understand this. haha

So happy to finish a roll.

Bee's watercolors as they are right now-she's in the middle of something.

Always wonder how things get piled-up...

I really need to recycle those empty Polaroid cartridges. 

Advertising...where shall I stick these?  I want to support the Impossible Project, it matters!  I already put one on my luggage...

Color palette + mixing experiments.

Golden fluid acrylics doodles.

From last portrait session with Bee.

Cleanliness is Godliness.

My mom's old pastels vs. my pastels.

Perfect mason Ball jars + high school coil clay jar.
Beloved dress form.

Left-handed embroidery by Bee.

Lovely threads.

Researching a professional medium format set-up., I don't need a Contax T3, I need a professional system for work-portraits and events-*sigh*

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