My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Summer, you are our favorite, always.

With June 1st upon us and only a few weeks left of school, Bee has gone and broken her little wrist. Her right wrist, at that! She was playing softball at school, and ran after a ball in the outfield when she tripped. We were so looking forward to swimming and summer fun-art camps, sewing projects together, guitar lessons, ect, ect,ect!  6-8 weeks with a cast, we are so sad. At least we will have the second half of summer for everything.

Polaroid SX-70, PX-70 Colorshade Push!

We are going to have to do some left-handed art exercises. Some abstract art, and some other things, I have to think... It's too hot to do much here in El Paso during the day. If anyone out there has suggestions for fun indoor summer activities that might not require much 2-handed action, I would be so appreciative. Reading is a given, Bee loves to read, but she needs more.

I was feeling rather nostalgic about our summers together, so I went through some pictures, and chose some favorites to share with you. I think we will manage to make some memories this summer, too, I haven't lost hope, I promise! Here's to making another season under the sun magical.

Holga CFN with Fisheye lens

Holga CFN with Fisheye lens

Holga CFN, filter + color flash

Holga CFN, filter + color flash

Holga CFN

Holga CFN, double exposure

Holga CFN

Holga CFN

Holga CFN

Holga CFN

Lomo LCA

Lomo LCA



Polaroid SX-70, 600 film


  1. I love all of these! So sorry about this injury. I know it puts a monkey wrench into the planning for Summer, but with time it will get easier; I wish you a happy one!

  2. Thank you so much, Susan!! :) I hope your summer is happy and beautiful!
