My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Just Us Girls Saturday

I am sad about intimidating my little girl with my crazy drawings.

I love you, Crayola.

Here are some Polaroids I took while we were having fun with chalk. (Polaroid 100 Blue Paul Giambarba Expired)

I really don't think there is anything more fun than sidewalk chalk on a Saturday afternoon.  We have to put our girly clean feelings away and just get allow the mess to invade our being.

I told her to help me draw my drawing since I scared her with it-she was happily drawing butterflies before she saw my debauchery.  She said, "I want to do a crazy drawing like yours, it's kind-of abstract, isn't it?"  WOW!  I can't believe my 10-yr-old said that!

Let's be honest here-the MOST fun part of the day was hopscotch!  The best thing Bee said to me today was, "I really like playing outside with you."

Hopscotch-painfully simple game but so much fun.  I should never underestimate these types of things.

El Paso Roller Derby!  I took Bee to watch some of my old teammates play.  I was a little (ALOT) nostalgic about skating.  I just sold my skates and all other gear on Ebay last week.

I could be out there!  *sigh*  No, I couldn't.  My knees are not up for it anymore.

Exciting jammers taking off.
Tall City Roller Betties (Midland, TX) (red & black) vs. El Paso Roller Derby Tex Pistols (yellow & black).

Alkaline Trina (yellow & black jammer) in a successful attempt to get around the tall chic on the other team.


  1. Oh, what a sweet day! You are the best mom.



  2. It was a really great day, thank you Sarah! :)
