My Analog Photography Portfolio:


Photo-walk down to my grandparent's apple orchard.

I shot these a few weeks ago over the holidays.  It's been nice to be able to get out of the city for awhile, and have a comfortable place to stay.  Now that my mom is living in Hondo, NM, (in the same house where she grew-up), we get to enjoy time out in the fresh air.  The renovations my mom has made to the old house my grandfather (Grampo!) built have made a big difference in the quality of rest and relaxation that is needed on our visits.  I have dreams about this little town often.  It is where I had many great adventures with my cousins.  Most of my best memories are from when I was about Bee's age.  I'm a little sad that she is not getting the same wonderful experience that I did, though.  There aren't any cousins her age that live in Hondo now, which was the case when I had my time.  Also, the land has changed quite a bit since then.  The apple trees are dead and dying down in the orchard, so it's not as lush.  Paths have shifted, and irrigation no longer flows through the same canals.  Still, it's blissfully quiet there.  If I close my eyes, I can almost hear the voices and sounds from the past.    

This mild winter suits us.  Must be due to ozone depletion, though.
That's been in the back of my mind as we leave the house with sweaters, not coats.
Very distant view of the sheep and the horse on the neighbor's property.

Hondo Valley, where my mom grew up, and where I spent many weekends and holidays.
The river is just beyond those trees.
Walking all the way there was considered a great adventure when I was a kid. 

Dried-up sunflower patch.
My uncle's horses.  The one on the right passed away this weekend.  He was old and sickly, poor thing.
Bee with her brand-new baby doll.

The view as we walked out of the orchard.  The path has shifted over the years.
Some rural decay laying against the old barn in lovely colors and textures.  I like it, whatever it is, or was.
This is not the best picture of the old barn, but I had never really explored the back of it.  This is a window of sorts that ventilated the chicken coop.
This is probably my favorite shot from the roll, BESIDES the ones of Bee, of course!  I like when all spaces are present-shallow, mid., and deep.  I wish I had stopped down a little more, though.
I thought I'd try to finish out the roll in this little room near the garage, but found nothing of interest in it.
There was a mirror, though, for a random self-portrait using my Pentax.
I look a little weird, but I was in the country, where everyone looks a little weird.  Kidding!
My mom says no one cares how we look there.  Funny, mom!  


  1. I love all of them. It is nice to see a glimpse into your life and past.

  2. Thank you for sharing it with me, Celina! :)

  3. Your pictures are so gorgeous, they make me miss NM. And so is your daughter!

  4. Love the one with the horses. Isn't it nice to have a place where you don't have to choose only one photo :)
